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Richard Fitzpatrick Barcelona vs Real Madrid - Spain's classical football rivalry Dramatic history of the clash of 2 iconic Spanish football clubs that reflect deep differences in Spanish history through civil war, Franco dictatorship...
€20.00 *
Federico Sainz de Robles Golden Book of Real Madrid C.F. 1902 - 1952 (SPANISH). Rare and ambitious club history of Real Madrid for the 50th anniversary of the club in 1952. 392 pages, 17x24cm, linencloth, ca.200 b/w photos, Ediciones...
€140.00 *
Carles Santacana / Ramon Alquézar / Antoni Bassas / Jordi Finestres / Xavier Luque / Xavier Pujadas Barca, 110 years of history (SPANISH). Comprehensive club history of 110 years FC Barcelona. Hard cover, size 24x30cm, 300 pages, ca. 300...
€80.00 *
Toni Closa / José Alberto Salas History of Catalonia`s Selection Team for Football 120 years of the regional selection of the Catalan Football Association during monarchy, 1st republic, Franco dictatorship and new spanish democracy (in...
€90.00 *
Julio A. Larrey Sierra Spanish National Team 1920-2016 Short history of top events and a statistical chronology of all the 655 matches the Spanish Selection played from the 1920 Olympic Games matches to the classification matches for the...
€38.00 *
Ramon Melcon / Stratton Smith The Real Madrid Book of Football. Early club history highlighting the heyday of Real from 1956 to 1961, with text contributions by di Stefano,Puskas, Gento, del Sol and Santamaria!! 143 pages, size 15x22 cm,...
€34.00 *
Ángel Iturriaga Diccionario de jugadores de la Seleccion Espanola de Futbol Dictionary of the players, who played for the spanish national team. Contains individual portraits. (SPANISH). 264 pages, 24x17.5cm, ca. 600 b/w- pictures, T&B...
€75.00 *
Jaume Sobrequés i Callicó FC Barcelona - Cent anys d'història (Spanish). Comprehensive club history of 100 years FC Barcelona. Hard cover, size 29x22cm, 382 pages, ca. 400 b/w & mc photographs, Barcelona 1998.
€75.00 *
Barca - F.C. Barcelona '96-97. Komplett. 125 Karten im Original-Steckalbum. Barca - F.C. Barcelona '96-97. Complete. 125 cards in the original album.
€120.00 *
Memoria grafica del Real Madrid Rare, detailed and illustrated chronicle about Real Madrid because of the 100th anniversary of the club in 2002 (SPANISH). 194 pages, 22.5x30cm, hardcover, ca. 300 b/w and coulored pictures, Everest, Leon...
€72.00 *
Collectors Cards Album: Panini Sorry, no english description is available. --- SPANISCH. Über die spanische 1. und 2.Liga 48 Seiten, 23x27cm, Karton, 420 Sammelbilder (komplett), 1989.
€90.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1987/1988 - La Historia del Futbol Espanol Puesta al Dia und Suplemento Indice Progresivo (2 Bände) - Vol. 17. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ergebnisheft zur 1. und 2. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison...
€24.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1979/1980 - La Historia del Futbol Espanol Puesta al Dia und Suplemento Indice Progresivo (2 Bände) - Vol. 9. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ergebnisheft zur 1. und 2. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison...
€28.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1983/1984 - La Historia del Futbol Espanol Puesta al Dia und Suplemento Indice Progresivo (2 Bände) - Vol. 13. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ergebnisheft zur 1. und 2. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison...
€24.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1985/1986 - La Historia del Futbol Espanol Puesta al Dia und Suplemento Indice Progresivo (2 Bände) - Vol. 15. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ergebnisheft zur 1. und 2. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison...
€24.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1986/1987 - La Historia del Futbol Espanol Puesta al Dia und Suplemento Indice Progresivo (2 Bände) - Vol. 16. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ergebnisheft zur 1. und 2. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison...
€24.00 *
Jose Manuel H. Perpina Valencia Club De Futbol (1919-1969) - Golden Jubilee Beautifully prepared and detailed club chronicle on 50 years of Valencia C.F. (SPANISH). 394 pages, 28x20cm, cloth bound, ca. 500 b/w photos, Talleres...
€80.00 *
FC Barcelona History of FC Barcelona from 1899 to 1999. 206 pages with 250 fotos. Hardcover.
€50.00 *
Luis Miguel Gonzáles Gómez History of Atlético Madrid. Passion in red and white. Club history from 2003. Soft cover, size 17x23cm, ca.250 b/w & mc photographs. Text in SPANISH.
€60.00 *
José Carlos Fernández Haba (Koordinator) Stories from the first 5 decades of Valencia CF Shortstories, anecdotes, literary fragments reflecting the early history of this Spanish football club, with ca. 400 b/w & mc photographs and...
€40.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1989/1990 - Calendarios de las Categorias Nacionales. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Kalender und Statistik zur 1. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison 1989/90. (SPANISCH). 128 Seiten, 9x12 cm, Karton,...
€18.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1971/1972 - La Historia del Futbol Espanol Puesta al Dia - Tomo 1. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ergebnisheft zur 1. und 2. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison 1970/71. (SPANISCH). 144 Seiten, 9x12 cm,...
€18.00 *
Gerhard Hess Real Madrid. Club der Millionen Real Madrid. Clubhistory in German about the golden years 1954-1961 with 217 pages and 60 b/w Fotos
€24.00 *
Jordi Finestres Legends of Barca. Greatest Moments, famous Players Large sized photo book featuring the most legendary players in the highlights of FC Barcelona's history. Texts in CATALAN, SPANISH, ENGLISH. 312 pages with approx. 250...
€58.00 *
Josep Ainaud de Lasarte / Andreu Mercé Varela / Joaquim Molas Batllori / Josep Solé I Sabaté Official Book of Centennial Club History FC Barcelona Large size commemorative book with many rare photographs, documents, artworks, comic...
€70.00 *
Ángel Iturriaga Legends of Atlético Madrid 110 double-page biographies of the most important players in the club history. 296 pages, size 17x24cm, soft cover, ca.500 b/w photographs (SPANISH).
€48.00 *
Hall of Trophies of Real Madrid CF Ringbook depicting each and every of 79 different cups and trophies Real Madrid ever won up to date of publication (freshest entries from 1998!). Hard cover, size 15x16cm, 79 mc photos of the trophies....
€40.00 *
Dinamico Dinamico 1979/1980 - Estadistica de Ayer y de Hoy. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Statistikheft zur 1. und 2. spanischen Fußball-Liga, Saison 1978/79. (SPANISCH). 128 Seiten, 9x12 cm, Karton, mit Mannschafts und...
€28.00 *
Jaime Hernandez Perpina La gran historia del Valencia C.F. Detailed club history of the Spanish football club Valencia C.F. from 1918 to 1994. (SPANISH).--Book spine slightly bumped, cover with scratches and minor staines, inside good....
€70.00 *
Nicolas / Enrique Fuentes Historia del Campeonato Nacional de Copa (SPANISH). 2 Volumes. Detailled book about the history of the spanish cup from 1902 to 1970. With photos, texts and statistics. --Dust jackets slightly damaged, books in...
€125.00 *
Barcelona FC 3 Sticker Albums 3 lavishly designed sticker albums on the occasion of the centenary of FC Barcelona 1899 to 1999, with many additional pictures and statistics (SPANISH). 222 pages, 22x30cm, soft cover, 924 stickers...
€125.00 *
José María Campos Club history of Valencia CF from 2000 Hard cover, size 21x30cm, 254 pages, ca.500 b/w & mc photographs. Text in SPANISH. Club history (1919-2000)
€70.00 *
Jaume Sobrequés i Callicó FC Barcelona - La Seva Historia i el Seu Present (Spanish). Short club history of FC Barcelona emphasizing the cultural aspect of the club in Catalonia (text in CATALAN) .Hard cover, size 20x27cm, 126 pages, ca....
€34.00 *
Real Federacion Esapanol de Futbol. Anuario 1986. Sorry, no english description is available. --- (SPANISCH). Enthält die Daten und Klassifikationen im Rückblick auf die Spielzeit 1985-86, die Teilnahme an Internationalen Veranstaltungen...
€50.00 *
XXI Anos Copa De S.M. El Rey Sorry, no english description is available. --- Wunderschön in Leinen aufgemachter Fotoband zu 21 Jahren Copa De S.M. El Rey - von 1977 bis 1997. Bildgeschichte des spanischen Fußballpokals. Offizielle...
€60.00 *
Pablo F. Enriquez / Angel Cervantes / Juan Sevilla FC 100 years of history Official book of Sevilla FC published for the 100th anniversary of the club in 2005. The high-quality commemorative consists of the main book with the history of...
€150.00 *
Collectors cards album Panini Liga 94-95 de Futbol profesional. Large Spanish album about the first football league with large photos (6 x 9 cm). Cover with protection foil. 48. pages, 27 x 35 cm, paperback, 396 collector cards...
€75.00 *
Manuel S. Birba Un Siglo Del Sporting Sorry, no english description is available. --- Wunderschön aufgemachte Festschrift zum 100-jährigen Vereinsjubiläum von Sporting Gijón mit außergewöhnlichem Bildmaterial (SPANISCH). 352 Seiten,...
€50.00 *
Jaime Hernandez Perpina History in white and blue - Real Sociedad Detailed history of the Spanish soccer club Real Sociedad from 1909 to 2004. (SPANISH). - Book block slightly detached from the cover. 169 pages, 30x23.5cm, hardcover,...
€48.00 *
Pere Ferreres Cien Anos Azulgrana 100 Years of FC Barcelona! An attempt to make the Barca myth understandable in interviews with Ladislao Kubala, Pasqual Maragall, Jordi Pujol, Josep Lluis Nunez, Joaquim Maria Puyal, Johan Cruyff, Manuel...
€30.00 *