Olympische & Paralympische Diskurse.

- Order number: S32983
- Department: Antiquariat
- Condition: good
Christian Wacker / Stephan Wassong / Natalia Camps Y Wilant Olympische & Paralympische... more
Christian Wacker / Stephan Wassong / Natalia Camps Y Wilant
Olympische & Paralympische Diskurse.
This book is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Müller for the occasion of his 70th birthday. The contributions stimulate discourse, encompassing the ränge of his academic work which is clearly coined by a multi- and interdiscip-linary approach. The articles meet Norbert Müller's high academic expecta-tions and can make a significant contribution to his approach of research led teaching both in and outside of the world of academia. Within this volume, academic companions gathered together, providing new insights into just some of the many different subject areas that Norbert Müller focused on within his career. The Intention of this tribute is that the works encompassed here will support the keeping alive of the Olympic & Paralympic Discourse.
Olympische & Paralympische Diskurse.
This book is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Müller for the occasion of his 70th birthday. The contributions stimulate discourse, encompassing the ränge of his academic work which is clearly coined by a multi- and interdiscip-linary approach. The articles meet Norbert Müller's high academic expecta-tions and can make a significant contribution to his approach of research led teaching both in and outside of the world of academia. Within this volume, academic companions gathered together, providing new insights into just some of the many different subject areas that Norbert Müller focused on within his career. The Intention of this tribute is that the works encompassed here will support the keeping alive of the Olympic & Paralympic Discourse.
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